'916' Malayalam Movie Review

Director M.Mohanan's Malayalam movie '916' is plotted with the good social aim, but turns out the average one after a short. Script could be the factor that force out some good entertaining space, otherwise it could be more enjoyable. "916" deals with the relationships around the human life, unfortunately narration lags new style fever that grips the industry. At last '916' fails to made up to the expectations.....

asif ali 916 malayalam movie review

  • Storyline

Now move to the story, Dr.Harikrishnan (Anoop Menon), works as a superintendent in a government hospital and he shares the great time with his daughter Meera (Malavika Menon). As Dr. Harikrishnan is a divorcee, so he needs to take care of his teenage daughter and vice verse daughter takes the note on her fathers care. Here we have one more family of Dr.Ramesh (Mukesh), consist of wife Chandrika (Meera Vasudev) and their two childrens. Dr.Ramesh is altogether a different person from Dr.Hariskrishnan and count on his life with the easy way.

In this fine days of father and daughter relation put on to the halt by a young man Prashanth (Asif Ali). With the entry of Prashanth in the life of Meera, Dr. Harikrishnan develops that his daughter has changed a lot with the attitude and conversation manner, that leads to the rest of the "916".

  • Technical and Acting Performance

M.Mohanan's direction points out the lack in the script and other unnecessary scenes and songs add more boring aspects to the film. However the social message is there, but it can't be hold on without a good narration. Anoop Menon once again carry off the film to the climax on his own, otherwise no character came up with the better show. Mukesh, Parvana, Meera Vasudev just done the parts and Asif Ali and Malavika Menon too find himself in the character with no performance.

Faisal Ali's visual looks fine and Ranjan Abraham's cuts look patchy. Songs are just average with the hands of M.Jayachandran and lyrics from Rafeeq Ahamed, Anil Panachooran and Rajeev Nair. Aadhith Aishwarya Sneha Movies Banner, K.V.Vijayakumar Palakunnu is the producer of the Malayalam movie '916' which is being brought to the theatres by Central Pictures.

Write on your opinions here about this malayalam film "916" through your valuable comments.....

1 comment:

  1. nine one six (916 ); à´’à´°ു à´—്à´°ാം ഇമോà´·à´¨്‍à´¸ിà´²്‍ à´ªൊà´¤ിà´ž്à´ž തനി à´¤ിà´°ൂà´°്‍ à´ªൊà´¨്à´¨ു............ലളിà´¤ം...à´µിà´°à´¸ം.
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