Review : "Natholi Oru Cheriya Meenalla"

Delicacy maintained by the fish to prove that it is not that small enough to ignore....., Shankar Ramakrishnan tried out this brilliant romantic comedy in a sapid way. Director V.K.Prakash put on magnificent effort to cook up this offbeat "Natholi" in a persuasive manner and a bit of engaging one as well. It may not be everyone's pie, depends on your imagination......

 Ambition to achieve something big in writing, lands Prem Krishnan (Fahadh Faasil) to the home of Captain Geetha krishnan (Sathar), who lives in a posh apartment of the city. Preman gets in the company
of caretaker  Vasu (Mukundan) of that building, who swayed Preman's idea to the new method. Preman also joins in his job of caretaker with the nickname of "Natholi", where apartment residents taunt him often for silly things, notably the girl named Prabha Thomas (Kamlinee Mukherjee).

 Preman felt humiliated with the residents behaviour towards him, Now things take the turn where Preman script his own world of characters and decide to give a pay back, where we see the birth of a character Narendran (Fahadh Faasil) in the new shade, who go through the radical change and do everything what Preman writes him to execute. Things takes the change, when the character gets out of hand, which forms the  rest of the plot.

 Scenarist Shankar Ramakrishnan no doubt think out of the box to came up with this scintillating story, which perhaps could change some minds as well. Director V.K.Prakash delivered the characters with exact pouch of perfection and However some places nags the narration, which could be resurrected. Arun James showcased the fine visuals with his best effort, while Mahesh Narayanan cuts the reel in a excellent way.

 Fahadh Faasil no words for him to deal with two shades of a person, its been just amazing to watch him on the screen on this offbeat subject. Kamalinee Mukherjee gave her good support to the character, especially in the bonding. Rima Kallingal maintained her character in a brief appearance. Jayan, Krishna Prabha, P.Balachandran, Aishwarya, Govind Padmasurya, V.K.Sreeraman, Mridul Nair and others made up to their characters. Songs are nice with the touch of Anu Elizabeth Jose and Abhijit Shylanath. For the banner of Good Company and Angel Works, Aji Medayil, Joe Kaithamattam and Christi Kaithamattam are the producers of this malayalam movie "Natholi Oru Cheriya Meenalla".

 If you have gone through this experience of "Natholi Oru Cheriya Meenalla", then don't forget to share with us....


  1. ചെറിയ നത്തോലി +വലിയ നത്തോലി =ഇമ്മിണി കണ്ഫ്യൂസിംഗ് നത്തോലി ... നത്തോലി ഒരു ചെറിയ മീനല്ല ശരാശരി...

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