Review : "Chettayees"
Without any genuine tale, a movie is just for the fun, that's what we can observe about last friday released malayalam movie "Chettayees". Scripting looks good on the entertainment aspect, but never expected direction from Shajoon Kariyal, though "Chettayees" is for entertainment. As the package, "Chettayees" is for the guys, who loves to party......
All began with five friends join together to celebrate the New Year night and it all subjected within that span of time. Five friends are John Pallan(Lal) works as lawyer, Percussionist Kichu (Biju Menon), actor Roopesh Krishna (Suresh Krishna), government employee
Babumon played by Sunil Babu and Bava (P.Sukumar) works as a Chef. First half mainly concentrates on the pure party fun with dialogues that may not suited for the family audience, where Second half stands out for the litmus test for the viewers. All these friends gather at the John's apartment for the party, which later on turned out a nuisance for other residents in the apartment, forms the rest for this celebration of New Year.....
Bonding between the five characters are fine, especially with Lal gave a enormous feel to his character with his loud humour. Biju Menon and Suresh Krishna joins the league to add some more fun, while P.Sukumar, Sunil Babu, Sadikh made their parts with ease. Miya doesn't get too much expression to perform as Biju Menon's wife. Vinod Illampilly's visuals are good especially in a apartment field, Editing by Bijith Bala is fine, which finished the proceedings in two hours or so..
As we earlier mentioned, without any so called narration "Chettayees" gave enough time for the lead characters to get into the characters. Shajoon Kariyal, who is returning to direction after six years as his last film was "Vadakumnathan", gave a unexpected direction, as script takes it all for the granted. Screenplay from Sachi looks good in parts, although it's matter more to a empty minded. Deepak Dev's tunes sequenced in a convincing style, with the lyrics of Rajeev Nair. For the banner of Thakkaali Films, Biju Menon, Suresh Krishna, P.Sukumar, Sachi and Shajoon Kariyal are the producers of this malayalam movie "Chettayees".
All right if you have attended this malayalam film "Chettayees", then don't hesitate to share your experience with us......
All began with five friends join together to celebrate the New Year night and it all subjected within that span of time. Five friends are John Pallan(Lal) works as lawyer, Percussionist Kichu (Biju Menon), actor Roopesh Krishna (Suresh Krishna), government employee
Babumon played by Sunil Babu and Bava (P.Sukumar) works as a Chef. First half mainly concentrates on the pure party fun with dialogues that may not suited for the family audience, where Second half stands out for the litmus test for the viewers. All these friends gather at the John's apartment for the party, which later on turned out a nuisance for other residents in the apartment, forms the rest for this celebration of New Year.....
Bonding between the five characters are fine, especially with Lal gave a enormous feel to his character with his loud humour. Biju Menon and Suresh Krishna joins the league to add some more fun, while P.Sukumar, Sunil Babu, Sadikh made their parts with ease. Miya doesn't get too much expression to perform as Biju Menon's wife. Vinod Illampilly's visuals are good especially in a apartment field, Editing by Bijith Bala is fine, which finished the proceedings in two hours or so..
As we earlier mentioned, without any so called narration "Chettayees" gave enough time for the lead characters to get into the characters. Shajoon Kariyal, who is returning to direction after six years as his last film was "Vadakumnathan", gave a unexpected direction, as script takes it all for the granted. Screenplay from Sachi looks good in parts, although it's matter more to a empty minded. Deepak Dev's tunes sequenced in a convincing style, with the lyrics of Rajeev Nair. For the banner of Thakkaali Films, Biju Menon, Suresh Krishna, P.Sukumar, Sachi and Shajoon Kariyal are the producers of this malayalam movie "Chettayees".
All right if you have attended this malayalam film "Chettayees", then don't hesitate to share your experience with us......
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